Emily Oliver, LCSW

Neurodivergent Therapist, Advocate, Author, and Coach

*Sparking powerful conversations about authenticity, neurodiversity, trauma, and access to affirming mental health care.

Introducing: The ADHD and Autism Unmasking Workbook

Now available for purchase as an ebook, or pre-order your print copy now!

Affirming, and written by an AuDHD author.

When we are living life as a neurodivergent human and the world is not built for us, we are constantly given the message that our authentic selves are flawed, that we inconvenience others, that we are too much. Masks develop through our needs and desires: to be safe, to be loved, to have career success or financial stability, to connect. Our ableist society teaches us we must mask to have these things.

To try to unmask can feel SO SCARY, because they exist for valid reasons, and often developed out of pain, fear, or self-preservation. This book is gentle and affirming, and leaves plenty of space to really get to know your why. Even if you get through this book and decide that some masking is still serving you, that’s totally okay and valid. Through the process, I hope to help you gain more self-knowing, self-valuing, and give you some opportunities to acknowledge parts of you that seek acceptance.

You can check out a sample of some of the exercises from my e-workbook below, or click here to purchase the e-workbook or pre-order a print copy!

Because this work can be so heavy and challenging on your own, I am launching an accompanying video course, which is detailed further down this page. Additionally, I also offer one-on-one virtual coaching sessions and Unmasking Intensives.

Coming soon: The Unmasking ADHD and Autism Workbook: Author-led Video Coaching Course

Sign up with your email to receive updates!

In my new workbook, join me as we delve deep into unmasking exercises, gently looking at the layers, exploring the roots of why you mask, how those masks serve you, and exploring the impact of a lifetime of masking. Then we will work toward visualizing the unmasking process, and identifying goals and objectives that feel right for you.

I am creating video clips to accompany the workbook to help you absorb and connect with the content, especially for those who have trouble accessing therapy but feel they could benefit from some support in the process.

Sign up for email updates to get a heads-up when it launches!

Individual coaching, consultation, and unmasking intensive sessions with Emily will also be available to book! See below.

Unmasking Coaching Intensives

It can be really attractive to just keep on masking. There are pretty powerful reasons why we started masking in the first place!

Even with the “Unmasking” Workbook, tackling this journey can be so intimidating- especially if you feel you have experienced trauma. Frankly, this work can be really destabilizing, as we may be recognizing that some of the core behaviors that help us to feel safe are actually masks. Many of us have learned that if we let the mask slip, we will be less loved, less successful, and less worthy of approval.

If you worry about doing this on your own, or want the support of someone affirming and with lived experience walking with you through this journey…

I offer “Unmasking Coaching Intensives” where I will work with you, one-on-one, as we go through the content of the book. This will provide you a sense of security and guidance as you dig deep, challenge deeply-held beliefs, and uncover subconscious (or conscious) fears. As a licensed therapist and coach, I am skilled at providing a safe, warm, and affirming environment where you know you will be accepted and can be vulnerable and real.

To learn more, click here to review the rates for services and to contact Emily.

So much of the work I do as a therapist is about working through trauma, often beginning in childhood.

I am hoping to create tools that help make this work more accessible for adults, as well as prevent some of this harm for children.”

— Emily


Connect with Emily to discuss collaboration opportunities, such as book signings, consultations, or speaking engagements.
